Palabras con cuerpo

5 comentarios:

coqueteado dijo...

Creativa. La hizo la agencia de publicidad "M&C Saatchi" para promover el uso de las cartas enviadas por correo. La imagen originalmente va acompañada del texto "si realmente quieres tocar/conmover a alguien, envíale una carta" (if you really want to touch someone, send them a letter).

Isabel Tejada Balsas dijo...

que inmenso tiene que ser el abrazo de un hombre-libro :O

uminuscula dijo...

yo quiero..

uminuscula dijo...

yo quiero..

Anónimo dijo...

.Some women love to wear high heels. High heels give people a feeling of full of power and arrogant. And it can

increase your body height. Of course, it is useful for those small girls. I am afraid of high heels. Some of them are too

high to wear for me. I can't walk correctly when I wear them. But to be a woman who loves shoes, it is a pity if there are

no high heels in my shoe cabinet. I urge to own one pair of beautiful shoes to fulfill my heart.